Peter Ciceri, MA RCC
- Master of Arts, Counselling Psychology, University of British Columbia, 2006
- Bachelor of Arts, Economics, University of Victoria, 1979
Continuing Education & Training
- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Basic Training (January 2018)
- BC School of Professional Psychology
- EMDR Certification Completion (August 2020)
- EMDR International Association
- The Body Keeps the Score: Trauma, Memory and the Restoration of One’s Self (2018)
- Bessel Van der Kolk, M.D. Ph.D.
- Advanced EMDR Clinical Workshop, Parnell Institute for EMDR (2018)
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: Comprehensive Assessment and Treatment (2007)
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: Strategies for Therapeutic Success (2012)
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Certification Training (2016)
- Case Conceptualization, EMDR Treatment Planning and Target Sequencing (2018)
- EMDR Therapy for Personality Disorders with Complex Traumatization (2018)
- Looking Through the Eyes of Trauma: EMDR & Ego States Across the Dissociative Continuum
- Sandra Paulsen Ph.D. (2018)
- Occupational Training for Healthcare Professionals: Treating First Responder Trauma (2019)
- First Responder Health (Eventbrite)
- Treating First Responders & Military with EMDR Foundations for Effective EMDR Treatment
- Beyond Trauma: Transpersonal Resourcing in EMDR for Client Transformation.
- Irene Siegel, Ph.D. (2019)
- Simplifying Complex PTSD: New Treatment Approaches, EMDR International Association
- Mark Nickerson, Ph.D. (2020)
- EMDR 2.0: An Enhanced Version of EMDR Therapy, EMDR International Association
- Mark Nickerson, Ph.D. (2020)
- Trauma Therapy Innovations: Intensive Trauma Focused Therapy & The Flash Technique
- Phil Manfield, Ph.D. (2020)
- Effective Treatment of Complex PTSD and Dissociation (2020)
- Ad de Jongh & Suzy Matthjissen (2020)
- EMDR Bomb and Flash 1.0
- Ad de Jongh & Suzy Matthjissen (2020)
- Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy (2017)
- Certified Clinical Trauma Professional (CCTP) Intensive Training Course
- Dr. Eric Gentry, Ph.D. & Dr. Robert Rhoton Ph.D
- Newfield Network: International Coaching Federation (ICF) Training (2002)
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